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  • Arabica vs. Robusta Coffee - What's the Difference?

    When you choose your daily coffee, you probably don’t think a whole lot about the type of coffee beans used to produce it. Ultimately, you think that all coffee beans look the same when roasted. There are actually twenty-five different species of coffee beans in the world, with the two primary ones used for cultivation being Arabica and Robusta. There are key differences between the two, not just in terms of flavor, but also in characteristics and growing conditions. Since Arabica and Robusta are the most important coffee bean types, we’re here to help you gain a thorough understanding of those differences.
    Read now About Arabica vs. Robusta Coffee - What's the Difference?
    December 3, 2015
  • Spotlight on Sumatra

    We have told you about coffee from many parts of the world, from Brazil to Guatemala, Argentina to Ethiopia. Today, we are going to tell you about a region that you may not know very well—Sumatra. We will address the basics on Sumatran coffee, and give you a taste of what makes it so popular.
    Read now About Spotlight on Sumatra
    November 3, 2015
  • Creepy Coffees for Halloween

    As soon as the month of October rolls around, it’s the start of party planning, pumpkin carving, and the hunt for the perfect Halloween costume. For many, none of that is as important as candy. For those of you who don’t really have a sweet tooth, there’s a little something surprising that will still get you in the Halloween spirit—coffee! You may be thinking to yourself, “what in the world does coffee have to do with Halloween?” Well, we have stirred up some seriously spooky (and gourmet) concoctions, to help you win Halloween this year!
    Read now About Creepy Coffees for Halloween
    October 20, 2015
  • Kenya AA Coffee

    When you think of Kenya, you undoubtedly imagine an African safari full of giraffes, zebras, lions, and more.  You think of the exotic, the wild, the beautiful.  And while Kenya has rightly earned a reputation for this, the country has...

    Read now About Kenya AA Coffee
    September 17, 2012
  • Caffeine or No Caffeine?

    There are a whole lot of misconceptions about caffeine.  It's found naturally in many of your everyday favorites, including coffee, tea, and chocolate.  Caffeine is also added to all sorts of soft drinks, energy drinks, medicines, and more.  Chances are...

    Read now About Caffeine or No Caffeine?
    May 8, 2012