Great Gifts: Coffee Samplers
Impressing coffee lovers with just the right gift can be a tall order. Each coffee drinker has his or her own particular standards and tastes. While you may not have the means to give them an all expenses paid vacation around the world to sample coffee from different regions, you can still capture the essence of that very experience.
With gourmet coffee samplers from CoffeeAM. Rather than packing each one with multiples of a single type of coffee, recipients will have different ways to soothe their picky palates. Whether it’s for the holiday season, an upcoming birthday, or a little something to say ‘I love you,’ there is a sampler to meet your needs, and fulfill the recipient’s wishes.
Paradise Package Coffee Collection
This one is perfect for those looking for some spark in their daily grind, aside from their coffee routine. This literal escape to paradise features 4 authentic ½ lb. coffees from some of the most notable coffee locations. There is a smooth, full-bodied Jamaican blend, a light-bodied, rich Hawaiian blend, a medium-bodied, aromatic Costa Rican blend, and an earthy, light-medium Panamanian blend. The variety of intriguing flavors and the freshness of each blend is what consistently makes this a popular gift option for consumers.
Regional Tour Sampler
Trot the globe and embrace the cultures of the Americas, Africa, and the island of Sumatra. Each bag is small batch roasted to perfection, really bringing out the unique characteristics of each coffee. Your taste buds will quickly see what makes these coffees so memorable, and worth coming back for seconds, and excited to start each day with these quick pick-me-ups. From Mexico to Ethiopia, to Colombia, and Sumatra, you can delight your friends, family, and even yourself with these flavors!
Gourmet Flavor Sampler
Anytime is the right time for these tasty delights. Those with a sweet tooth and a love for coffee too are in for a real treat. There is no need to worry about indulging in sugary, calorie-filled desserts, when the same delicious flavors can be enjoyed in a cup of coffee. This package contains a whopping six ½ lb. bags of coffee. These light roasted flavored favorites will satisfy taste buds for any occasion.
No matter the season, no matter the reason, a coffee sampler makes for a delicious gift that you can rest assured, will be used and appreciated over and over again.