Product Feature: NEW! Kenya Kiangai AA Micro-Lot
This week at CoffeeAM we’re excited to introduce our newest micro-lot coffee, Kenya Kiangai AA.
This bourbon-typica varietal is grown high in the rich, red volcanic soils near Mount Kenya at an altitude of 4,300 to 6,200 feet above sea level. It is carefully handpicked during two distinct harvest seasons. Once harvested, the cherries are taken to the Kiangai washing station with eight other factories in the Kibirigwi Cooperative Society. While in the wet mills the cherries are pulped then fermented for 24 hours. They are then washed, graded, and spread out on raised tables in the sun to be dried for up to three weeks.
After drying, the beans are sent to a centralized mill to be processed and screened prior to being auctioned off. These beans are graded AA, meaning they are the largest beans. They are cultivar SL28 and SL34, a Scot Laboratories hybrid of the bourbon and typica varietals.
You will love our Kenya Kiangai AA if you are a fan of bright floral brews. Distinctive notes of violets, citrus, and blackberry are notable in this delicate yet full-bodied cup. Well-balanced with nice acidity, this coffee is perfect any time of day and goes great with or without food.
Try this Kenya Kiangai AA coffee for yourself and let us know what you think!